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American Sign Language Degrees for Military & Veterans

Degrees and Careers for Military & Veterans: American Sign Language

Did you know that you can take American Sign Language (ASL) to fulfill the 2nd-language requirement in college? In fact, ASL can be found as Certificate, Associate, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degree programs.

Is an ASL degree hard?

ASL is recommended to students who want to study a second language but have difficulty in acquiring proficiency in previous language studies. Let’s face it, some of us just don’t have the synaptic connections that allow us to pick up a second language such as Spanish, French, German, etc.

Those of us that have struggled for years studying a second language don’t believe the theories on a language acquisition tipping point or that once we acquire one second language we will suddenly become a polyglot.

Is an ASL degree worth it?

An American Sign Language degree is a great asset to attain: personally, to be able to connect with people; professionally, as an additional desirable skill all employers are able to utilize; and educationally, for a degree that holds its value and opens up opportunities.

Let’s not forget, data consistently shows that those with higher levels of education earn more. Additionally, those with higher levels of education consistently have lower rates of unemployment when compared with workers who have less education.

*All statistics and calculations from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. For more information click here.

GI BIll and Yellow Ribbon Program options to Earn a Degree in American Sign Language

Below is our list of GI Bill participating schools. Remember to explore your other military financial aid and veteran student financial aid opportunities.

Military spouses who need scholarships and other financial aid can also receive help. Those looking for portable careers should ask about MyCAA options associated with an ASL degree program.

Certificate in American Sign Language

A Certificate in American Sign Language typically focuses on three skills—comprehension, production (signing), and knowledge of Deaf culture. With a Certificate in ASL, students will be qualified to pursue entry-level careers in a variety of fields, including:
  • Education
  • Interpreting
  • Business
  • Linguistics
  • Art
  • Medical
  • Humanities

Associate Degree in American Sign Language

An Associate Degree in ASL will further develop a student’s proficiency in communication through ASL. Students in ASL will also further develop their understanding and appreciation of Deaf culture and communities. Students will also be academically prepared should they choose to continue their college career to earn a Bachelor’s Degree.

Jobs with an Associate Degree in ASL

GI Bill-approved Schools Offering an Associate Degree in ASL

Ready to start your Associate Degree in ASL? Check out these programs at our partner schools:

Lakeland Community College

Offers an Associate Degree in Applied American Sign Language. Lakeland Community College has GI Bill approved programs, offers credit for military experience, and awards credit for the CLEP exam. Pasadena City College is a MyCAA approved school and is approved for Tuition Assistance.

Pasadena City College

Offers an Associate in Arts in ASL and a Certificate of Achievement in ASL. Pasadena City College has GI Bill approved programs, offers credit for military experience, and awards credit for the CLEP and DSST exams. Pasadena City College is a MyCAA approved school and is approved for Tuition Assistance.

Bachelor’s in American Sign Language

A Bachelor’s in ASL offers students the foundations for academic and career success. In a comprehensive undergraduate program students will:A Bachelor’s in ASL will help students be successful in college, the workplace, and in their personal endeavors. Upon graduation, students will be well-prepared to enter the workforce in a variety of careers and/or pursue a graduate degree.

Jobs with a Bachelor’s in American Sign Language

GI Bill-approved Schools and Yellow Ribbon Schools with an American Sign Language Bachelor’s Degree

Ready to start your Bachelor’s in ASL? Check out these great programs at our partner schools:

Framingham State University

Offers a Bachelor’s in American Sign Language. Framingham State University has GI Bill-approved programs, offers credit for military experience, is approved for Tuition Assistance, and awards credit for both the CLEP and DSST exams. Framingham State University is a MyCAA approved school and proudly participates in the Yellow Ribbon program.

Maryville College

Offers a Bachelor’s in American Sign Language-English Interpreting and a Bachelor’s in American Sign Language and Deaf Studies. Maryville College has GI Bill approved programs, offers credit for military experience, and awards credit for both the CLEP and DSST exams. Maryville College is a Yellow Ribbon school and is approved for Tuition Assistance.

Master’s in American Sign Language

A graduate degree in ASL will help students further build their communication, research, and critical thinking skills.

Students will be able demonstrate their expert knowledge and proficiency in ASL in a wide variety of settings. Students will also demonstrate a vast knowledge and understanding of Deaf communities and cultures. Students should have a well-developed resume of work (paid and/or volunteer) in and supporting Deaf communities.

A Master’s is a popular choice for those choosing career paths such as research, writing, or teaching.

For those seeking opportunities teaching ASL students, concurrent programs for the appropriate educator certifications are ideal.

Jobs with a Master’s in American Sign Language