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Why Veterans Shouldn't Stop at an Associate's Degree

Veterans should consider pursuing their education beyond an associate's Degree because more education means more opportunities. There are plenty of benefits to going beyond a 2-year associate's program, including:

More Money: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings for workers according to degree level (at press time) are as follows:
  • Without High School Diploma $682
  • High School Diploma $853
  • Associate's Degree $1,005
  • Bachelor's Degree $1,432
  • Master's Degree $1,661
  • Professional or Doctoral Degree $2,083
Deeper Pool of Resources and Connections: As you continue your educational journey, you open yourself up to connections with peers, professors, and others, widening your social and professional networks.

More Confidence: Military training teaches us that the best decisions are backed by knowledge and data. When you thoroughly understand your field of study through advanced education, you put yourself in the best position for confident decision-making.

Reasons Veterans Delay Getting a Bachelor's Degree

When interviewing student veterans, the most common reasons for not applying for a Bachelor’s Degree program were:
  • "Based on my high school performance, I wasn't convinced I could succeed at a 4-year bachelor's program."
  • "I'm only looking for a skilled trade for my career pursuits (welding, masonry, plumbing, etc."
  • "I want to get my feet wet again in the education space before starting a 4-year program."
While these are valid concerns, a different perspective can be helpful. A Bachelor's Degree can set you up for success in the civilian world and thanks to your military service, you are uniquely positioned to apply the skills you've acquired to a degree program.

Through the following programs, you can turn your military experience and training into college credit:

Additional Resources Available to Veterans Pursuing Higher Education

To set veterans up for success in higher education, many colleges, universities, and training programs support veterans with specialized services, support, and financial assistance.

Benefits such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill and programs like the Yellow Ribbon Program help veterans receive substantial education benefits.

How much financial assistance you are eligible for will depend on several factors, including when you served and your length of service. Enlist the help of a Veteran Service Officer (VSO) or a student financial advisor to find out all the options available to you.

Seek out military-friendly colleges and universities. Because veterans often face unique challenges, selecting a school with a military-friendly track record will help boost your success.

Look for schools that offer:Be sure to consider online opportunities. With online colleges and universities, you're not limited to attending a school nearby.

Veteran-Friendly Bachelor's Programs

Here are a few colleges and universities with military and veteran programming and assistance on campus and virtually. Promotional consideration has been given to paid partners of CollegeRecon.