Military Spouse

VA Education Benefits For Surviving Spouses and Dependents

Surviving spouses and dependents of military veterans may be eligible for VA benefits to further their education. Below, you’ll find a variety of VA education options spouses and school-age dependents can use to help pay for college or other higher education opportunities. There are several options for spouses and college-age children who are survivors of…

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Military Education

VA Form 22-5490 Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits Step-By-Step Guide

This is a step-by-step guide to filling out VA Form 22-5490, Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits. This is the form required for both dependents and spouses to apply for Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (DEA) or the Chapter 33 Fry Scholarship. Read More: Survivors and Dependents’ VA Education Benefits Read More: The…

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high paying careers for military spouses

MyCAA: High Paying Careers Without a 4-Year Degree

Hit the Ground Running on High Paying Careers with MyCAA Not all careers require four-year degrees from expensive colleges. Military spouses who want to hit the ground running in a lucrative career field should take advantage of the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA) program. MyCAA offers up to $4,000 of tuition assistance to military…

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in-state tuition benefits veterans

States Offering In-State Tuition for Veterans After 3 Years from Discharge

Find states that offer in-state tuition for non-resident veterans beyond the 3-year discharge cap. The Choice Act requires states to offer in-state tuition to non-resident veterans for 3-years after leaving the military. However, 27 states have passed laws that make veteran students eligible for in-state tuition beyond the Choice Act’s limit. With this change there is now a confusing and inconsistent patchwork of laws across the country.

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transfer go bill to dependent

Transferring GI Bill Benefits to a Dependent

Transferring GI Bill to Dependent Perhaps you are an Airman whose wife wants to go back to school and get her Master’s degree. Maybe you are a senior in high school contemplating a four-year university whose mom is a Marine. Regardless of the type of higher or supplemental education being sought, finding ways to finance…

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back to school discounts for military families

Best Back-to-School Discounts for Military Families

With back-to-school season approaching, parents are looking for deals when getting ready for the new school year. Here is a list of the best back-to-school discounts for military families. >> For more great military and veteran discounts, direct to your inbox, and sign up for the Military and Veteran Discounts Newsletter! It’s free from MyMilitaryBenefits.…

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military pay dates

List of Military Pay Dates 2025

2025 List of Military Pay Dates Typically, military personnel are paid on the 1st and 15th of every month. However, the actual military pay dates may vary due to weekends and holidays. Paydays can fall on any day of the week, depending on the month. Check closely to know when you will be paid. Sometimes,…

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military spouse employment

Military Spouse Employment: How To Get Started

As a military spouse, you can get used to putting yourself on the back burner. The military life can make it hard to do what you want to do, whether that is going to school yourself or working in your own career field. There are so many different hurdles for military spouses that want to…

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portable careers for military spouses

Portable Careers for Military Spouses

Following your own career goals as a military spouse isn’t always easy. With moving around every few years, not being able to set down roots, and dealing with a spouse with a very crazy schedule, it can be hard to find something that works. Luckily, there are some portable military spouse careers that can take…

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student loans for military spouses

Student Loans For Military Spouses

As a military spouse, you might wonder if there is help for student loans. Unfortunately, there are no student loan programs specifically geared toward military spoused. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t help available. MYCAA is a helpful tuition assistance program, but it might not be enough for many military spouses and is not open…

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military families travel tips

Tips for Military Families to Save Money on Travel

Whether your military family loves travel or finds it a necessity since you’re always moving, there are resources available to defray costs and add value while you’re on the go.  Here are some travel tips for military families about services you may already know about. You may be aware of services such as SATOTravel, SpaceA,…

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