Veterans Benefits

Career Opportunities for Veterans

If you are retiring or separating from the military and are considering your college degree options, choosing the right degree is an important step. There are so many career fields that reward those with military experience. Will your college degree or certificate program lead you to higher earnings and better opportunity?

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GI Bill military

Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)

The Department of Veterans Affairs offered an education benefit to veterans called VEAP. the Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program. Qualifying veterans were be eligible for a 2-to-1 matching contribution from the government for education benefits. This program offered money for tuition and certain fees for VA-approved programs. Depending on the amount of the student’s VEAP contributions,…

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10 Top Law Schools with Yellow Ribbon Programs

This is a list of the top 10 Yellow law schools that participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) veteran education benefit that can extend GI Bill benefits in cases where the Post-9/11 GI Bill isn’t enough to cover a participating school’s tuition and fees. While attending college is often a…

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Vet Success on Campus

Vet Success on Campus The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has created the Vet Success on Campus (VSOC) program to help veterans, servicemembers, and their qualified dependents. VSOC aims to help their target populations successfully transition into college life. The ultimate goal is to have VSOC students successfully complete their education and enter into the…

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GI Bill Update: 48 Month Rule

Important GI Bill Update: 48-Month Rule

On October 28, 2020, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sent emails to those of us who have used, are using, or are eligible to use the GI Bill, notifying us of big changes to the “48-Month Rule” that has applied to some veteran students and beneficiaries.

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in-state tuition benefits veterans

States Offering In-State Tuition for Veterans After 3 Years from Discharge

Find states that offer in-state tuition for non-resident veterans beyond the 3-year discharge cap. The Choice Act requires states to offer in-state tuition to non-resident veterans for 3-years after leaving the military. However, 27 states have passed laws that make veteran students eligible for in-state tuition beyond the Choice Act’s limit. With this change there is now a confusing and inconsistent patchwork of laws across the country.

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states with free college of veterans and dependents

States With Free College Tuition for Military & Veteran Dependents

One part of raising children is wondering about how you will pay for college when the day comes. As a military service member, you probably wonder how your service can help. Or, as a veteran, you might be curious about your state and if they offer any tuition waivers for veterans.  The good news is, certain states do provide tuition waivers to veterans and sometimes their dependents.

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smart start on your education

Get A SMART Start On Your Education

Are you thinking about what’s next after the military? Planning your transition and reintegration can be daunting, but there are some steps you can take to make the process less stressful and increase your chances for a successful civilian life. Planning For Change Practically speaking, planning a career change is not unlike a planning military…

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TSP Retirement Fund

How to Maximize Your TSP Retirement Fund

Maximizing Your Thrift Savings Plan Retirement Fund All government employees are uniquely positioned to set themselves up for a great retirement. How? Through the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The TSP offers the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations provide their employees under their 401-K plans. (Learn the full ins and…

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vocational rehabilitation

VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation & VA VOC Rehab – What to Know

What Is the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab) Services Program? The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program (VR&E – or sometimes commonly referred to as “voc rehab”), was authorized by Congress under Title 38, United States, Chapter 31. This program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities and employment handicaps. It is also there to help service members…

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State Veterans Benefits

Veteran Benefits by State – Veteran Benefits for All 50 States

In addition to those benefits provided by the federal government, such as the Post 911 GI Bill, many of the individual states and territories have programs for veterans and the military. Find state veterans’ benefits for your state including info on veteran employment programs, military education benefits, and state veteran tax benefits in the state…

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