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Van Taylor: Veteran, Congressman from Texas

Van Taylor Congress

Nicholas Van Campen Taylor, knowns as Van Taylor is a Republican who has won a seat in the US House of Representatives in Texas’ 3rd Congressional District. He has a few years of political experience serving in the Texas Senate and the Texas House of Representatives.

About Van Taylor

Taylor was born in 1972 in Dallas and lives in Plato, Texas with his wife and three daughters.

Education Background

He received his Bachelor of Arts in History at Harvard University in 1995 and his Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 2001.

Military Career

After his college graduation he joined the United States Marine Corps and later the Marine Corps Reserves. During his time in the service he deployed to Iraq, and led a mission that rescued 31 wounded marines during the Battle of An Nasiriyah. He was awarded different military decorations including the Navy Commendation Medal with “V,” the Combat Action Ribbon, and the Presidential Unit Citation. When he left the military in 2004, he had made it to the rank of Major.

Civilian Career

After business school, Van Taylor joined Churchill Capital Company, which is a firm focused on real estate fiance where he is still at today. He serves as the Vice Chairman of Texas Gulf Bancshares which is one of the most financially sound banks in Texas. They employ over 100 people and have not taken any bailout money.

Political Career

Taylor started in politics as a member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing District 66, in 2010-2015. He then was elected to the Texas State Senate representing District 8 in 2014. During his time as state senator he worked across the aisle to get results, bringing republicans and democrats together, and carried over eighty bills that became law with each bill earning bipartisan support. He worked on legislation to help protect children from online sexual predators, legislation revoking taxpayer-funded pensions for criminal elected officials and educators convicted of crimes against children, and legislation making it easier for military men and women to vote while serving overseas.

Political Outlook

Van Taylor can bring his background as a small businessman and veteran to his office. He feels that his three girls are his inspiration for running for office. He believes that every generation has the responsibility to pass on a nation better than they received it and worries that the cloud of big government threatens this legacy.

He knows the importance of peace through strength and the gravity of putting our military in harm’s way because of serving as a marine. He believes America has a unique role as the world’s strongest economic and military power and must lead and forge careful alliances to confront the scourge of radical Islam and rogue regimes. He believes that Washington must support our armed forces with the resources and equipment needed to accomplish their missions and keep us safe.

Jobs and the economy, securing our border and stopping illegal immigration, reining in the national debt, limited government, lower taxes, national security, repealing Obamacare, education, protecting life, religious liberty, and defending 2nd amendment freedoms are all issues important to Van Taylor according to his website.

Van Taylor won against Democrat Lorie Burch in Texas’ 3rd Congressional District.