Forever GI Bill Signed Into Law: What to Expect

Forever GI Bill Changes Signed
Here’s the latest on the Forever GI Bill Updates and Post 911 GI Bill Transferability changes.
“The new #ForeverGIBill closes loopholes that had left some deploying reservists and Purple Heart recipients without any educational benefits. It also increases aid to survivors of deceased service members, restores benefits to victims of for-profit schools, expands the programs that educational assistance can be used on, and — most significantly — allows future service members to use their GI Bill benefits at any point in their lifetimes, doing away with the old 15-year “use it or lose it” limit.” –Task&Purpose
That last part is huge!! If passed, vets who become GI Bill eligible after Jan. 1, 2018 will be able to use their education benefits at their leisure, for life! The truth of the matter is that not everyone is at a point in their life where jumping into a degree program is right. For some it could be within that 15-year limit, but for others is isn’t.
These are some pretty significant changes that could turn some veterans’ lives around for the better. These increased benefits will open doors and increase opportunity. (Win, win!)
What else would change with the Forever GI Bill?
Aren’t you pretty confused about the difference between “Post 9/11 GI Bill” vs. “Montgomery GI Bill”? (Ya, us too!) If this bill passes, the name will also change. There would no longer be a “Post-9/11” or “Montgomery” GI Bills. If passed, it was just be “GI Bill”, thus signaling that it is “one GI Bill for all generations of veterans” and no distinctions otherwise.
The new bill would also extend Yellow Ribbon eligibility to survivors and dependents of GI Bill veterans.
Increased time and funding will be allotted to GI Bill users in STEM degree programs.
Changes Tied to Recent News
Remember all that hype that came out about Purple Heart recipients and reservists not being eligible for full GI Bill benefits? Well the proposed GI Bill would close that loophole and restore benefits to hundreds of veterans, Purple Heart recipients and reservists included.
Think back to the summer of 2016 when for-profit colleges and universities seemed to be closing and losing their accreditation left and right…the proposed bill would help those veterans who were burned by for-profit schools and restore their benefits.
It’s a lot to take in a digest, I know. But, big chances could be on their way to the GI Bill. Stay tuned!
- Transferring Your GI Bill to Spouse and Dependents
- Beyond the Post 911 GI Bill: Additional Money for Veterans
- GI Bill BAH Rates
- Colleges with the Highest GI Bill BAH Rates
About the author
Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.