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Spotlight on HBCUs and HSIs

HBCUs and HSIs

GI Bill®-Approved Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) for Military & Veterans

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are cornerstones of postsecondary, higher education.

HBCUs are schools that were established prior to 1964 with the principal mission of providing access to higher education and educating Black Americans during a time of legal segregation. HSIs came about in the 1980s to recognize institutions that enroll a large number of Latinx students. HBCUs and HSIs accept students of all races and ethnicities and there is a particular focus on commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

HBCU – Historically Black Colleges and Universities

It should be no surprise that even after the official end of slavery in 1865 most colleges and universities in the Southern United States prohibited all African Americans from attending. Meanwhile, many other colleges and universities throughout the country employed tactics to limit admissions of Black Americans. These blatant racist and exclusionary tactics continued ad nauseum until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving students of African American descent.

Currently, HBCUs have approximately 300,000 students across 101 HBCUs in 19 states (including the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Of the 101 HBCUs, 52 are public institutions and 49 were private nonprofit institutions.

Why is an HBCU designation important?

Why is an HBCU designation important? In addition to the history of the institution, HBCUs display an immersive culture of diversity, inclusion, and supporting marginalized students. In addition, schools with an HBCU designation are eligible to receive additional funding including substantial grants from several organizations including:

    • National Science Foundation
    • National Institutes of Health
    • Department of Education
    • Department of Justice
    • Department of Health and Human Services
    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • National Endowment for the Humanities

You can view a list below by state of HBCU’s, or you can use the CollegeRecon School Finder tool to find GI Bill-approved HBCU’s.

HSI – Hispanic Serving Institutions

Hispanic Serving Institutions came about as a grassroots organization in the 1980s to identify institutions that were accepting a large number of Hispanic students. Since Hispanic students are and continues to be a rapidly growing demographic in the U.S., it is important that institutes of higher education support and reflect this population growth.

Most recent statistics indicate that there are 411 HSIs in the US (including 24 states and Puerto Rico). There are approximately 1.9 million Hispanic students at HSIs, and 4.1 million students total enrolled at HSIs.

In order to receive an HSI designation, an institution’s undergraduate enrollment must be at least 25% Hispanic and demonstrate a high concentration of students who are low income or otherwise need based.

Why is an HSI designation important?

Why is an HSI designation important? In addition to an immersive culture of diversity, inclusion, and supporting marginalized students; schools with an HSI designation are eligible to receive additional funding including substantial grants from several organizations including the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) analyzed government data from 2021-22.  According to the federal definition of HSIs: nonprofit degree-granting institutions with full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate Hispanic student enrollment of at least 25%. Their findings include:

    • 572 Total HSIs across 28 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico
    • 226 – 2-year, public community and junior non-profit colleges
    • 165 – 4-year, public and private non-profit colleges and universities
    • 9 – 2-year private non-profit institutions
    • 172 – 4-year private non-profit colleges and universities

For a list of GI Bill-approved HSI’s, please see the CollegeRecon School Finder tool.

Is There Really a Need for HBCUs and HSIs?

Unfortunately, admission practices can still be found in post-secondary education that purposefully seek to exclude and omit students based on any variety of factors that they deem “undesirable”. From gender to race to socioeconomic backgrounds, post-secondary education admissions are not always as enlightened as one would expect from an institute of higher learning. Thankfully, these unbalanced lapses in admissions are fewer and further than in generations prior. Yet, they still exist.

You may recall recent news of philanthropist Mackenzie Scott’s staggering $800 million donation to higher education. Specifically these funds were earmarked to HBCUs, HSIs, and Tribal colleges and universities (serving Native Americans).

Yes, there is still a need for HBCUs and HSIs to help “balance the scales” in higher education. HBCUs and HSIs accept students of all races and ethnicities. Yet, HBCUs and HSIs are particularly attuned to the needs of diversity, equity, and inclusion and strive to leave no student marginalized.

Accredited HBCU listing

Not-for-profit schools are indicated with NFP.

NFP = Not-for-profit


Alabama HBCU’s

Alabama A & M University 4-year, Public
Alabama State University 4-year, Public
Bishop State Community College 2-year, Public
Gadsden State Community College 2-year, Public
H Councill Trenholm State Community College 2-year, Public
J. F. Drake State Community & Technical College 2-year, Public
Lawson State Community College 2-year, Public
Miles College 4-year, Private NFP
Oakwood University 4-year, Private NFP
Shelton State Community College 2-year, Public
Stillman College 4-year, Private NFP
Talladega College 4-year, Private NFP
Tuskegee University 4-year, Private NFP

Arkansas HBCU’s

Arkansas Baptist College 4-year, Private NFP
Philander Smith College 4-year, Private NFP
Shorter College 2-year, Private NFP
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 4-year, Public


Delaware HBCU

Delaware State University 4-year, Public


District of Columbia HBCU’s

Howard University 4-year, Private NFP
University of the District of Columbia 4-year, Public
University of DC -David A Clarke School of Law 4-year, Public


Florida HBCU’s

Bethune-Cookman University 4-year, Private NFP
Edward Waters College 4-year, Private NFP
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 4-year, Public
Florida Memorial University 4-year, Private NFP


Georgia HBCU’s

Albany State University 4-year, Public
Clark Atlanta University 4-year, Private NFP
Fort Valley State University 4-year, Public
Interdenominational Theological Center 4-year, Private NFP
Morehouse College 4-year, Private NFP
Morehouse School of Medicine 4-year, Private NFP
Paine College 4-year, Private NFP
Savannah State University 4-year, Public
Spelman College 4-year, Private NFP


Kentucky HBCU’s

Kentucky State University 4-year, Public
Simmons College of Kentucky 4-year, Private NFP


Louisiana HBCU’s

Dillard University 4-year, Private NFP
Grambling State University 4-year, Public
Southern University and A & M College 4-year, Public
Southern University at New Orleans 4-year, Public
Southern University at Shreveport 2-year, Public
Southern University Law Center 4-year, Public
Xavier University of Louisiana 4-year, Private NFP


Maryland HBCU’s

Bowie State University 4-year, Public
Coppin State University 4-year, Public
Morgan State University 4-year, Public
University of Maryland Eastern Shore 4-year, Public


Mississippi HBCU’s

Alcorn State University 4-year, Public
Coahoma Community College 2-year, Public
Jackson State University 4-year, Public
Mississippi Valley State University 4-year, Public
Rust College 4-year, Private NFP
Tougaloo College 4-year, Private NFP


Missouri HBCU’s

Harris-Stowe State University 4-year, Public
Lincoln University 4-year, Public


North Carolina HBCU’s

Bennett College 4-year, Private NFP
Elizabeth City State University 4-year, Public
Fayetteville State University 4-year, Public
Johnson C Smith University 4-year, Private NFP
Livingstone College 4-year, Private NFP
North Carolina A & T State University 4-year, Public
North Carolina Central University 4-year, Public
Saint Augustine’s University 4-year, Private NFP
Shaw University 4-year, Private NFP
Winston-Salem State University 4-year, Public


Ohio HBCU’s

Central State University 4-year, Public
Wilberforce University 4-year, Private not-for-profit


Oklahoma HBCU’s

Langston University 4-year, Public


Pennsylvania HBCU’s

Cheyney University of Pennsylvania 4-year, Public
Lincoln University 4-year, Public


South Carolina HBCU’s

Allen University 4-year, Private NFP
Benedict College 4-year, Private NFP
Claflin University 4-year, Private NFP
Clinton College 4-year, Private NFP
Denmark Technical College 2-year, Public
Morris College 4-year, Private NFP
South Carolina State University 4-year, Public
Voorhees College 4-year, Private NFP


Tennessee HBCU’s

American Baptist College 4-year, Private NFP
Fisk University 4-year, Private NFP
Lane College 4-year, Private NFP
Le Moyne-Owen College 4-year, Private NFP
Meharry Medical College 4-year, Private NFP
Tennessee State University 4-year, Public


Texas HBCU’s

Huston-Tillotson University 4-year, Private NFP
Jarvis Christian College 4-year, Private NFP
Paul Quinn College 4-year, Private NFP
Prairie View A & M University 4-year, Public
Southwestern Christian College 4-year, Private NFP
St Philip’s College 2-year, Public
Texas College 4-year, Private NFP
Texas Southern University 4-year, Public
Wiley College 4-year, Private NFP

US Virgin Islands HBCU’s

University of the Virgin Islands – St. Croix 4-year, Public
University of the Virgin Islands-Albert A. Sheen 4-year, Public

Virginia HBCU’s

Hampton University 4-year, Private NFP
Norfolk State University 4-year, Public
Virginia State University 4-year, Public
Virginia Union University 4-year, Private NFP
Virginia University of Lynchburg 4-year, Private NFP

West Virginia HBCU’s

Bluefield State College 4-year, Public
West Virginia State University 4-year, Public

* Statistics and facts from ed.gov.


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About the author

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Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.