8 Scholarships for African American College Students

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) National & Regional Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $3,000
Description: This scholarship is for graduating high school seniors who intend to enroll next semester in an accredited college and university pursuing a business, one of the physical sciences, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Students must also be underrepresented minorities such as African-American, Hispanic, or Native American.
Details: link
National Association of Black Social Workers
Multiple recipients, up to $2,500
The Details: The National Association of Black Social Workers has two scholarships students can apply for; the Cenie “JOMO” Williams Tuition Scholarship and the Office of Student Affairs Community Leadership Tuition Scholarship. Both scholarships are available to NABSW members who are going to school full-time at the undergraduate or graduate level and the qualifications vary.
Website: link
Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $5,000
The Details: This scholarship was established by the American College of Healthcare Executives in honor of Albert W. Dent, the 1st African-American Fellow of ACHE. The scholarship is to provide financial aid to minority students in healthcare management graduate programs. It was designed for students enrolled in their final year of a healthcare management graduate program.
Website: link
Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $2,500-$20,000
The Details: This scholarship supports the continued growth and development of Black employees and encourages students to pursue a career in technology. There are multiple scholarships at $5,000 and $2,500. Students must be high school seniors of African descent and plan to attend a 4-year college or university, working towards a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information science, or select business programs. They also need a passion for technology and leadership skills at school or in a community.
Website: link
The Charles Shelton Foundation
Multiple recipients, $2,000
The Details: This scholarship is for African American graduating high school seniors, current college students, or returning college students. Students must also complete the Veterinary Scholarship Form. Students must have experience in Veterinary Medicine or Technology.
Website: link
GRCF Warner Norcross and Judd Law School Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $20,000
The Details: The Warner Norcross and Judd lawn firm offers an eligible 1st year law school student a $20,000 tuition scholarship in addition to a summer associate position.
The Deadline: Feb
Website: link
Leon Bradley Scholarship Program
Multiple recipients, $3,500
The Details: This scholarship is by the American Association of School Personnel Administrators that was established to encourage more minorities or persons of color to enter the field of teaching and school leadership. Students must be in their final year of completing certification/endorsement requirements.
The Deadline: May
Website: link
Mae and Mary Legacy Foundation Scholarship
Multiple recipients, Varies
The Details: This scholarship is for students pursuing careers in the healthcare profession. Qualifying criteria includes being an African American graduating high school senior, and attending a 2-4-year university or technical school. The scholarship must be used for tuition, books, fees, or other needs while attending the institution.
Website: link
>> For more scholarships for military, veterans, spouses and dependents, please use the CollegeRecon Scholarship Finder.
About the author
Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.