Scholarships for Statistics Degrees
Scholarships For Statistics Majors
Studying statistics in college can be a good option for those who enjoy numbers, data, and mathematics. There are also scholarships available for those getting their degree in statistics. Here is a list of a few that you can apply for:
Mary G. and Joseph Natrella Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $3,500 plus stipend
The Details: This scholarship was initiated by a contribution to the ASA Quality and Productivity to honor Mary Natrella and her many contributions to the statistical community. The application is open to students who are currently pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree full-time in an accredited college or university. Winners will receive a $3,500 grant and a $500 stipend toward travel and housing expenses, complimentary registration for the conference, and complimentary registration for the pre-conference tutorial given in conjunction with the conference.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $1,000
The Details: This scholarship is sponsored by the ASA Committee on Women in Statistics and Caucus for Women in Statistics to encourage more women to enter statistically oriented professions. There will be two recipients, one to a woman in or entering the early stages of graduate training at the master’s degree or Ph.D. level and one to a woman in a more advanced stage of training.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
The Mikkelson Foundation
Multiple recipients, $5,000
The Details: This scholarship is for a graduate of a Colorado high school who has been accepted to pursue a course of study or instruction at an accredited college or university granting undergraduate and/or graduate degrees. The student will need to show an ability to excel in mathematics and science, major in engineering, physical, biological sciences, or mathematics, and have the potential for substantial additional achievement after graduation.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
Ralph W. Shrader Graduate Diversity Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $3,000
The Details: This scholarship is from a generous contribution from Booz Allen Hamilton. The award is given to three full-time women, and minority students, enrolled in their 2nd semester, with at least two semester-equivalent courses completed. They also need to be currently pursuing a graduate degree at any accredited academic institution in the US and living in a way that supports the mission of the AFCEA Educational Foundation. Their focus should be on STEM or hard sciences. There is a list of qualifying majors on their website, including statistics.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
The Richard A. Freund International Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $5,000
The Details: This scholarship is in memory of a past president of ASQ ( American Society for Quality). Students do not have to be ASQ members, and their concentration must be on quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, total quality management, or similar quality emphasis. It is open to graduate students in the engineering, statistical, managerial, and behavioral foundations of those fields.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
The Hammer Family Scholarship
Multiple recipient, $5,000
The Details: This scholarship is from the Hammer family with the Marines’ Memorial Association and Foundation. Students must be a US veteran enrolled in a bachelor of science program and focusing on either engineering, math, or science.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
Edward C. Bryant Scholarship
One recipient, $2,500
The Details: This scholarship is for an outstanding graduate student in survey statistics to honor its co-founder and chair emeritus and to help support a student’s graduate education. The scholarship is based on a student’s potential to contribute to survey statistics, applied experience in survey statistics, and performance in graduate school. This scholarship is through ASA, the American Statistical Association.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
The Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Multiple recipients, $3,000
The Details: This scholarship was established to recognize the remarkably positive impact Huntington had on this profession. It is awarded annually to undergraduate seniors who are enrolled full-time at a US-accredited educational institution and have completed at least one actuarial examination. They also need to be nominated by a professor and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The Actuarial Foundation offers fun and engaging math programs that get teachers and students excited about math.
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
Annie T. Randall Innovator Award
One recipient, $2,000
The Details: This scholarship is by the America Statistical Association. It was established to recognize early-career statistical innovators across all job sectors and with any level of educational attainment. The award was named in the honor of pathbreaking Black female statistician Annie T. Randall.
The Deadline: March
Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: link
You can also find scholarships for other subjects as well as for veterans, gold star families, and graduate students at College Recon.
- Getting a Degree in Statistics
- Getting a Degree in Mathematics
- 13 Tips On How To Apply For Scholarships
- College Scholarships for Minorities
- 13 Inclusive Minority Scholarships
- Getting Your Master’s Degree in Statistics
About the author
Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.