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Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E): VA Education and Training Benefit


The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a program to certain disabled service members. Known as the Veteran Readiness and Employment program, this is an important education and training benefit for anyone with a 10% VA disability rating or higher.

This program is also known informally as VR&E or Chapter 31 benefits, isn’t as well known as some other VA disability benefits, but what VR&E teaches and provides can make a big difference for some.

What To Know About Getting Started With VA VR&E

When a military member is about to retire or separate from military service, part of that processing includes applying for VA disability benefits for any service-connected medical condition, illness, or injury. Some veterans will receive a disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs, while others may not.

Those who do aren’t prevented from starting a new career and working a civilian job if they so choose, even with a VA disability rating. And plenty of vets who draw disability pay will start new careers. But not everyone. Some medical issues can and will interfere with finding employment or keeping a job.

Are you a veteran with a qualifying VA-rated disability that affects your ability to find or keep a job? You may find VA help from a VA program called the Veteran Readiness and Employment Program or VR&E for short.

This program was once branded as Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, also known as the old VA VOC REHAB option. Some ask what the differences are between VA VR&E and Vocational Rehab. For this particular VA benefit, the change was initially seemingly a simple name swap with a few additional benefits added, but as we’ll see below, over time the program has evolved and grown.

A Brief History of VA Vocational Rehab and VR&E

VA Vocational Rehab and VR&E have evolved a great deal since its earliest days. The Department of Veterans Affairs doesn’t seem to have an archive listing details of the original Vocational Rehab programs, but one thing that’s important to note about this benefit is that the transition to VR&E wasn’t so much a dramatic change in policy or programs, but initially more of a rebranding and a renewed commitment. What’s changed since those days?

Early Days (Post WWI – 1970s):

  • 1918: The first vocational rehabilitation program for veterans was established, focusing on helping disabled WWI veterans return to civilian life.
  • 1943: The program was expanded with the passage of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, which extended benefits to veterans of WWII.
  • Beyond the 1940s: The program continued to evolve, adapting to the needs of veterans from the Korean War, Vietnam War, and other conflicts.  Focus remained primarily on direct job placement and training.
  • 1980s: Amendments to the law broadened the scope of services to include a larger group of disabilities and support services, such as counseling and independent living training.
  • The 1990s: Changes in the 90s emphasized individualized planning and more emphasis on education and training.
  • 2000’s: In the 2000s, the VA Vocational Rehab program was rebranded as Veteran Readiness and Employment or VR&E. The rebranding/name change was meant to emphasize the programs’s focus on overall readiness for employment. The 2000s also see additional support for post-secondary education and entrepreneurship.
  • From 2010, the program adds focus on supporting veterans with severe disabilities and those transitioning from the Global War on Terror.

Key Features of Chapter 31

  • Eligibility: Veterans with a service-connected disability which presents an employment handicap may qualify for this VA program.
  • Services: VR&E offers a comprehensive suite of services, including:
    • Vocational and career counseling
    • Education and training
    • Job search assistance
    • Financial aid
    • Independent living services
  • Goal: VR&E is designed to help veterans with disabilities find employment and independence.

Today, the program is informally known as VR&E. It features a set of 5 tracks designed to help veterans get the support and services they need to live as independently as possible.

Each track has different features. It’s smart to review multiple tracks to get the most value from the ones that apply to you. Most of those who take advantage of the program are already retired or separated from military service but there are certain options for those who are close to their “final out” date.

Who Can Apply for VA VR&E?

You can apply for this benefit if you DO NOT have a Dishonorable discharge. Any other type of discharge may be considered. You also must have a VA disability rating of at least 10%. Some may have a time limit on when they can apply, while others do not.

Time Limits?

VR&E does not have a “sunset” date but those who qualify for the program may depending on when they signed up. Much depends on whether you left military service on or after 1 January 2013–for those who left after that date, there is no time limit.

Those who left military service before January 13, 2013 have 12 years to take advantage of VR&E.

The clock begins either on:

    • The date you left active duty OR;
    • The date you were first notified of your VA disability rating, whichever date is later.

Related: Is the GI Bill Considered Income?

Active Duty Eligibility for VR&E

VR&E is intended primarily for veterans but if you are still on active duty you may be able to apply if you meet VA requirements to do so:

  • You must have a 20% or higher pre-discharge disability rating. You must also be due to retire or separate soon or;
  • You’re awaiting discharge due to a medical issue that occurred while you were on active duty;
  • Severely injured active-duty service members “can automatically receive VR&E benefits before VA issues a disability rating”. The VA will determine the severity for qualifying purposes.

File a VA claim for disability benefits through the VA Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) Program between 180 to 90 days before you retire or separate.

Some May Qualify for an Extension

The 12-year eligibility period for VR&E benefits may be extended IF the VA determines you have a VA-defined serious employment handicap. That means your VA-rated disability “significantly limits your ability to prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment”.

VR&E Tracks

Here are the program descriptions for all VR&E tracks:

  • Reemployment
  • Rapid Access To Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employment Through Long-Term Services
  • Independent Living

Reemployment Track

The VR&E Reemployment track was created to help service members return to a former job they held prior to deployment.

    • VR&E Special Employer Incentives program for qualifying vets who have  challenges finding employment;
    • VR&E Non-Paid Work Experience program is an option for those who have an established career goal but have trouble getting a job due to lack of work experience.
    • Further help may be offered by VR&E employment coordinators. These can be found at VA regional offices.

Rapid Access to Employment Track

Consider this track if you want to use your existing job skills rather than looking for a new type of employment. You may qualify for benefits under this track if the following are true:

    • You have a VA-defined employment handicap, and;
    • You are enrolled in VR&E, and;
    • You have experience, education, or training in the career field you seek employment in.

This program offers job search tools, vocational counseling, resume help, and there may be options for Civil Service exam prep, etc.

Self-Employment Track

The VR&E Self-Employment track is offered to those who want to start their own businesses. This is informational only; there is no funding offered for you to start a small business. This track helps you learn strategies for small business success. Options include:

    • Coordination services
    • Developing a business plan
    • Analysis of small business concepts
    • Training in small-business operations
    • Training in small business marketing
    • Training in small business finance

Employment Through Long-Term Services Track

Veterans who want training and education to transition into a new career field should consider this track. You may be offered the following services:

    • Job skills assessment
    • Career counseling
    • Evaluation of the current job market
    • Education and training
    • Apprenticeships
    • On-the-job training
    • Volunteering
    • Employment assistance

You may be referred to Department of Labor resources further to assist you in your search for a new career when using this track.

Independent Living Track

Aimed at those retiring or separating from the military who cannot return to work immediately. Where applicable, veterans may qualify for up to 24 months of benefits including counseling and evaluation to help establish and meet goals for more independent living.

This track features evaluations and recommendations for adaptive housing programs–disabled veterans can use these to make a home more accessible. You may qualify for an adaptive housing grant or other benefits, and this track will help you learn more about such options.

What to Know About VA VR&E

Did you know you need not wait for a VA disability rating to apply? You can start today by completing VA Form 28-0588.

To qualify, VA.gov says at least one of the following must apply:

  • You are in the Physical Evaluation Board process, or
  • You anticipate a dishonorable discharge and have a VA memorandum rating of 20% or more, or
  • You are in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES).
  • Severely injured active-duty service members can automatically receive VR&E benefits before VA issues a disability rating.

Do you have a medical issue caused or made worse by military duty? File a claim for disability benefits through the VA Benefits Delivery at Discharge program. You. an submit a claim as early as 90 before retiring or separating from military service.

All VA benefits require using the DD Form 214 (Report of Discharge) or your service’s equivalent.

How to Apply for VA VR&E

You can apply for VA Chapter 31 benefits (VA VR&E) in person at a VA facility, or you can apply by mail by submitting an Application for Veteran Readiness and Employment (VA Form 28-1900) and mailing the completed form to:

Department of Veterans Affairs
VR&E Intake Center
PO Box 5210
Janesville, WI

You can also apply online at the VA official site.


About the author

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Joe Wallace is a 13-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter/editor for Air Force Television News and the Pentagon Channel. His freelance work includes contract work for Motorola, VALoans.com, and Credit Karma. He is co-founder of Dim Art House in Springfield, Illinois, and spends his non-writing time as an abstract painter, independent publisher, and occasional filmmaker.