Kansas Veterans & Disabled Veterans Benefits

Veterans & Disabled Veterans Benefits in Kansas
The following are the Kansas veterans’ benefits programs for education, employment, and housing. You can also learn about veterans’ benefits in other states.
Education Benefits for Kansas Veterans
In addition to federal programs such as the GI Bill, there are veterans’ benefits programs provided by the state of Kansas.
Kansas Military Service Scholarship
The Kansas Military Service Scholarship offers tuition and fees at state-supported Kansas schools. This scholarship is for Kansas residents who:
- Received hostile fire pay for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001, OR;
- Served less than such 90 days because of injuries due to military service; AND
- Was Honorably discharged, discharged under honorable conditions OR;
- Still serving on active duty.
You must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) before applying for this benefit. This Kansas state military education benefit is not offered to those in a graduate program.
Related: Schools with Reduced Tuition
Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program
The Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance offers to pay “a percentage” of tuition and fees to qualifying members of the Kansas National Guard.
The exact percentage depends on “the number of eligible students and available appropriations” according to the Kansas Board of Regents official site, which also adds that during the last semester of the student’s program, the student is required to “serve an additional 24 months in the Kansas National Guard” or repay the scholarship.
To qualify:
- The applicant must be a current member of the Kansas National Guard
- Must be a high school graduate or have a GED
- The applicant must not already have a Bachelor’s degree.
- Applicant must complete a FAFSA form before applying
- Students must provide a transcript to their chain of command at the end of each semester or term
Related: Tuition Assistance for the military
Kansas Hero’s Scholarship
The State of Kansas offers a Hero’s Scholarship to qualifying dependents and spouses of military members who are disabled or who have died in the line of duty. These scholarships are for tuition and fees; they do not cover room and board, books, etc. This scholarship program is offered to:
- Dependents and spouses of disabled or deceased service members who are residents of the state AND;
- The servicemember died or became disabled as a result of active military service on or after September 11, 2001, OR;
- Servicemembers who are VA rated at 80% “as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat after September 11, 2001” according to the State of Kansas.
According to the State of Kansas, these tuition and fee waivers are offered for 10 semesters of undergraduate coursework, with summer school counting as one-third of a semester.
Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship
This state-based education benefit isn’t specifically aimed at military members but at veterans and dependents interested in teaching-related careers; this financial assistance is offered to qualifying applicants. Are you looking at a bachelor’s degree program or seeking endorsement? Do you need a Master’s degree in a hard-to-fill education field? This Kansas scholarship is offered “for up to ten semesters, which includes both undergraduate and graduate work,” according to the program’s official site.
>> Want to go to school in Kansas? Find GI Bill-approved colleges in Kansas with our School Finder.
Tax Benefits for Kansas’ Veterans
Kansas State Income Tax On Military Retirement Pay
Military retirement pay is not taxed by the State of Kansas.
Homestead Act
Disabled veterans can claim a homestead refund in the State of Kansas. You must be a resident of Kansas, be honorably discharged, and have a minimum VA-rated disability of 50% or more.
Surviving spouses of disabled veterans and those who died on active duty may also be eligible to claim a Homestead refund as long as they are not remarried.
To claim a Homestead refund you are required to furnish “an original” VA disability determination letter confirming the disability happened prior to the current tax year.
Tax laws are subject to frequent change, so be sure you know what is allowed in the current year before claiming your refund. This refund is not allowed for properties that exceed a certain cap; in 2022 that cap was $350,000. Y0ur experience may vary.
Nursing Home Benefits for Kansas Veterans
The State of Kansas operates two homes; one in Fort Dodge, and another location in Winfield. Servicemembers must have been on active duty or have been activated for federal service. Spouses of eligible veterans may also qualify for admission, but this is allowed on a space-available basis only.
The State of Kansas says the servicemember must fit into one of the following “categories”:
- The applicant has service-connected disabilities.
- The applicant is a former prisoner of war
- Was discharged from active military service for a disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty
- The applicant is eligible to receive disability compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1151
- The applicant is someone “the VA determines” is unable “to defray the expenses of necessary care”
- The applicant is “Solely seeking care for a disorder associated with exposure to a toxic substance or radiation or for a disorder associated with service in the Southwest Asia Theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War”
- The applicant “Agrees to pay to the United States the applicable copayment” under certain circumstances.
Veterans do not need to be residents of Kansas, but state residents have admissions priority. Veterans who have no other means of support also have priority.
Kansas State Veterans Burial Benefits
The State of Kansas operates four State Veteran Cemeteries:
- Fort Dodge
- WaKeeney
- Fort Riley
- Winfield
Admission policies are identical to those for burial in a VA cemetery. In general, the qualifications include:
- An active duty discharge that is not Dishonorable OR;
- The veteran died on active duty OR;
- The service member is a member of the National Guard or a Reservist member with 20 years of qualifying service, who are entitled or would be entitled to military retirement pay.
Spouses and dependents may also qualify for burial even if the service member is not buried in that cemetery. In general:
- Spouses and dependents of eligible veterans may be admitted;
- The surviving spouse of an eligible veteran who had a subsequent remarriage to a non-veteran and whose death occurred on or after January 1, 2000, may be admitted;
- Natural or adopted child of an eligible veteran who is under the age of 21 and unmarried and;
- Under 23 years of age and going to college full-time;
- Unmarried adult children of eligible veterans IF the child becomes permanently physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support before reaching 21 years of age, or before reaching 23 years of age if going to college.
Pre-need arrangements are encouraged by a physical reservation of a burial plot or niche may not be possible. There is no cost to pre-arrange these services.
Employment Benefits for Kansas Veterans
KanVet is a resource for veterans looking for jobs and education opportunities. Described as a “veteran-specific” resource that helps vets without forcing them to sort through a large number of external websites and third-party options.
Vets can explore lists of open jobs, training services, job fairs, and get help starting a small business. You may also find VA employment services and state job application information. Learn more at the KanVet official site.
For more information regarding Kansas veterans’ benefits, please visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs.