Alaska Veterans Benefits & Disabled Veterans Benefits

Veterans Benefits in Alaska
In addition to federal programs such as the GI Bill, there are state-level veterans’ benefits programs to help you with your education. You can also learn about veterans’ benefits in other states.
Education Benefits for Veterans in Alaska
Alaska National Guard Tuition Assistance lists an option for 100% tuition assistance for qualifying National Guard members who want to attend a University of Alaska system school. Resident tuition is available at any University of Alaska System school for active-duty military personnel or members of the National Guard, or their spouses or dependent children.
United States veterans eligible for a VA education benefit, their spouses, or dependent children may be eligible for in-state/resident tuition rates at Alaska public colleges regardless of state residence. Qualifying students must move to and remain in Alaska during their studies.
Alaska State Tuition Waiver For Survivors
The State of Alaska offers tuition waivers to spouses and dependents of Alaska resident military members who died in the line of duty, are prisoners of war, or are listed as Killed In Action. Qualifying military spouses and dependents may qualify for a waiver of “all undergraduate tuition and fees through the University of Alaska system,” according to the State of Alaska.
RELATED: National Guard Tuition Assistance
Housing Benefits for Veterans in Alaska
AHFC Mortgage Program
The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) offers a Veterans Mortgage Program, which provides mortgage financing for qualified veterans.
AHFC options include a Veterans Interest Rate Preference, where a veteran can receive a 1% lower interest rate (on the first $50,000) of a mortgage loan, but applicants must not be currently on active duty, and income restrictions may apply; this is a need-based mortgage loan program. According to the State of Alaska, “To apply for a loan under this program, contact an AHFC-approved lender…Ask the bank handling the financing to implement this program for you.”
Land Discount/Purchase Preference
The Veterans Land Discount program offers qualifying veterans a 25% discount on state residential or recreational land purchase prices. It’s an option that may be used only once during the veteran’s lifetime.
Using this benefit, qualifying veterans may have the option to purchase such land without having to bid against others. These parcels are typically five acres or less, classified as settlement land, and zoned for residential use only.
According to the official site, “Under the veteran’s land sale preference, before offering to the general public an unoccupied residential land by auction, a veteran has the exclusive opportunity to purchase the land at a restricted sale at fair appraised market value.”
Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Veterans
Qualifying disabled veterans may apply for a property tax exemption for the first $150,000 of the assessed value of a primary residence. This applies if the veteran has a service-connected medical issue that results in 50% or higher disability.
Health Care Benefits for Veterans in Alaska
For veteran healthcare in Alaska, there are multiple options starting with the Anchorage VA Outpatient Clinic. There are also VA Community Based Outpatient Services in:
- Fairbanks
- Kenai
- Mat-Su
- Juneau
You can also find Alaska Veterans Centers in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Wasilla, and Kenai.
Employment Benefits for Veterans in Alaska
Veterans Employment Services
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development has 21 job centers across Alaska. The job centers in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Wasilla are all said to feature on-site veteran representatives, but even in centers without such help, you will find “priority services” offered to veterans and eligible spouses.
The services at the job centers include priority job referral, career counseling, career assessment as well as the following options:
- Employment assessment
- Job development
- Job search workshops
- Referral to educational services,
- Resume help
Veteran Employment Tax Credit
The State of Alaska offers a tax credit for companies hiring veterans who work in the state. The veteran must be unemployed for more than four weeks and meet other criteria as applicable:
- Disabled Veterans: Must not have been released or discharged more than 10 years before the date employment begins.
- Non-disabled Veterans: Not been released or discharged more than two years before the date employment begins.
- The amount of the tax credit depends on the status of the veteran as well as if they are working for the company as a seasonal employee or not.
Additional Consideration for State Retirement
Some veterans may qualify to purchase up to five years of additional military service credit. You must have 20 years of service in the Alaska National Guard (or in the National Guard of any other state), active military service, or reserve military service combined and at least five years of that must be in the Alaska National Guard.
If you have an involuntary discharge for reasons other than misconduct, these eligibility requirements may be waived.
State Employment Preference For Veterans
Alaska offers eligible Veterans and National Guard Service members preference “when hiring for public employment” according to the State of Alaska. All applicants must meet the minimum qualifications for the position to qualify for the preference.
When hiring is done on a points-based system, qualifying service members may be eligible for up to 5% of the total points available; disabled Veterans and former prisoners of war may qualify for points up to 10% of the total points available added to their score.
When a numerical system is not used, applicants are offered “consideration” and a disabled Veteran or prisoner of war “will be given an opportunity to interview” according to the official site.
Who is eligible for this hiring preference? Those who served on active duty for 181 days or more and received an honorable discharge during the following periods which include but are not limited to:
- Between April 6, 1917, through December 1, 1919
- Between September 16, 1940, through December 31, 1947
- Between June 27, 1950, through October 14, 1976
- Between August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, Beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on a date to be determined.
- Served 181 days or more in the Alaska Territorial Guard.
There are eligibility criteria for disabled veterans, which include having served on active duty with an honorable discharge AND the veteran:
- Was discharged due to a service-connected disability
- Is entitled to disability compensation from the VA
- Was disabled in the line of duty while serving in the Alaska Territorial GuardMembers of the Alaska National Guard may also qualify. You must be either currently serving or have an honorable discharge. Those competing for Alaska state government jobs may qualify for 5 or 10 veterans preference points.
State of Alaska Death Veteran Death Benefit reports the State of Alaska offers a “death gratuity” to the surviving spouse or estate of a veteran buried on or after May 13, 1984. The gratuity requires an Honorable discharge or a discharge Under Honorable Conditions for those who served in the Guard, Reserve, or on active duty.
Residency requirements apply; the servicemember must have been an Alaska resident for at least a year before service and must have returned to Alaska within a year of leaving the military. The veteran must also have been a resident of the state for a year before death.
For more information regarding Alaska veterans’ benefits, please visit the Alaska State Office of Veteran Affairs website.
- State Veterans’ Benefits – By State
- Alaska BAH Rates
- Yellow Ribbon Schools
- CollegeRecon Scholarship Finder
- States Offering Free College to Dependents
- College Scholarships in Alaska
About the author
Lori Waddell serves as Co-director of an emergency response COAD in Montana, a freelance writer, and an Air Force Key Spouse. She is passionate about empowering communities and individuals through knowledge and resources. She currently lives in Montana with her husband and two children.