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Fun, Interesting, & Cool Scholarships You’ve Never Heard Of

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Did you know there is a scholarship for tall people? Or all about zombies? Here is a list of fun and interesting scholarships – if you’re in the military or not – you may not have heard of before. What a fun way to pay for college!

Fun and Interesting Scholarships You May Not Have Heard Of Before

From Asparagus to Zombies, we’ve got you covered.  Here are fun and interesting scholarships you’ve (probably!) never heard of before.

The Asparagus Club Scholarship

$2,000 per semester, 5 awards each year

The Details: The Asparagus Club was founded in 1909 and the Asparagus Club Scholarship has been around since 1967. The club and the award are a part of the NGA Foundation (National Grocers Association.)

Who’s Eligible: This scholarship is for full-time enrolled rising freshmen through those in their post-graduate studies.  You will need to be enrolled at time of disbursement.

Applicants will also need a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA and have the intent to pursue a career in the independent grocery industry.   You will need to major in Business, Information Technology, Human Resources, Accounting, Food Management, or other focuses leading to a career in grocery.

Winners will need to provide proof of enrollment to the NGA Foundation receiving payment. The scholarship is merit-based but financial need is taken into consideration.

The Deadline: April

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Asparagus

The Tall Club International Student Scholarship

Up to $1,000, depending on the chapter, multiple scholarships given out

The Details: The Tall Clubs International Foundation was started in 1992. They offer a scholarship based on local chapters.

In order to qualify for the scholarship, a student needs to be under the age of 21, about to enter their first year of higher education in 2021 and meet the membership requirements for Tall Clubs International. This means that women need to be at least 5’10” and men need to be at least 6’2”.

They also need to check the list of their local TCI Clubs to see if their local chapter has an available scholarship. If they don’t, they will need to email tcifoundationscholarships@gmail.com​.

The Deadline: March

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Tall Club website

Parapsychology Scholarship

$2,000 award

The Details: Eileen J. Garrett was a medium and parapsychologist. The Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship is designed to assist a student attending an accredited college or university who wishes to pursue the academic student of the science of parapsychology.

Parapsychology is the study of the paranormal and psychic phenomena. Students will need to include a sample of writing showing a previous interest in the subject.

The Deadline: By July 1st, the scholarship is awarded in August.

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Parapsychology Scholarship

National Potato Council Scholarship Program

$10,000, One Recipient

The Details: The National Potato Council was formed in 1948 for potato growers. This scholarship will be given to one graduate-level student conducting research for the benefit of the potato industry.

The winner will be selected based on their academic achievement, leadership abilities, potato-related areas of graduate study, benefit to the US potato industry/commercial value, extracurricular activities, and grades.

The Deadline: Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year will be available in the spring of 2023.

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: National Potato Council

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship


The Details: This scholarship is open to students at least 14 years of age, in all 50 states and Washington DC. They must be currently enrolled or enroll no later than the fall of 2026 in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education.

In order to apply, the student must submit and answer this statement: “Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top-five things you’d bring to stay alive.” Their response needs to be in 250 words or less.

The Deadline: October 31st

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Zombie Apocalypse

The Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund

Up to $20,000 in total awards

The Details: This scholarship is to provide financial assistance and support to those who are coming from an Amish upbringing who have decided to pursue a higher education.

The Amish only study up through the 8th grade and it can be challenging for those who leave the community to go further. In order to apply, a student will have needed to grow up Amish, with their family still being Amish. They need to have their GED or high school diploma and show proof of enrollment or acceptance into a community college or university.

The Deadline: August

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Amish Scholarship

The National Table Tennis Scholarship Program

$800-$1,200 award, Four Recipients

The Details: This scholarship is to give deserving table tennis athletes the opportunity for financial support while pursuing a college education. Applicants are expected to practice with and compete for their school’s table tennis team in NCTTA competition as a varsity or junior varsity player.

Applicants need to be enrolled at an accredited college or university as a full-time undergraduate student pursuing their first degree. They need to have a minimum 2.0 GPA and have demonstrated an interest in and commitment to the sport of table tennis.

There will be one male and one female recipient who are freshman students, and one male and one female who are non-freshman students. The award should go to select educational expenses including tuition, books, and room and board.

The Deadline: May of each year

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Table Tennis

For The Love Of Chocolate Scholarship Foundation


The Details: This scholarship is for students who are looking to change careers or for those who have shown potential in the culinary field but have no formal pastry and baking education.

Those who attend programs at the following schools can qualify:

    • After School Matters
    • C-CAP – Careers Through Culinary Arts Program
    • College of DuPage
    • Curt’s Café
    • Gateway to Learning
    • Illinois Restaurant Association Education Foundation
    • Ivy Technical College
    • Joliet Junior College
    • Kendall College Trust
    • The Center on Halsted, Silver Fork
    • The French Pastry School Foundation
    • Washburne Culinary Institute at City Colleges of Chicago

The amounts vary.

The Deadline: Varies

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: For Love of Chocolate

Stuck at Prom Scholarship

$10,000 for two grand prizes, $500 for eight runner-up prizes

The Details: Sponsored by Duck Brand Tape, this scholarship is all about creating and wearing an original and unique prom wear outfit using Duck Brand duct tape and/or Duck Brand crafting tape. After you create the outfit, you will submit by creating a video or an essay about the outfit.

There will be one grand prize of $10,000 for a dress, and one grand prize of $10,000 for a tux. There will also be four runners-up prizes for both the dress and tux, which is $500 and a Duck Brand prize pack worth $100.

In order to enter you would need to be at least 14 years old, and attend high school or a home school association. You don’t actually have to go to a prom. Students in Arizona, Maryland, Tennessee, Colorado, and North Dakota can’t apply for this scholarship.

The Deadline: June

Website for more information and to apply for this scholarship: Stuck at Prom Scholarship website




About the author

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Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.