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How GI Bill Users Easily Find Supportive Schools

collegerecon military friendly GI Bill college

Finding the right military friendly school to fit your needs & lifestyle as a veteran or military personnel no longer has to be a massive undertaking. There’s a convenient tool made specifically for GI Bill users to help them do just that.


This tool allows you to choose from nearly 3,000 not-for-profit colleges and universities that offer services to those who have served, those currently serving, and their families. You can be the judge of whether or not it is a military friendly school because you’ll be able to see all of the programming and assistance they do (or don’t) provide.

With a few clicks, you can get a list of not-for-profit schools that fit the criteria you searched for. Next, simply reach out to those admissions personnel and begin the conversation to find out if in fact their school fits your lifestyle and needs.

military friendly college or university GI Bill CollegeRecon student veterans

(Courtesy: DVIDS)

Here’s How:


When you begin a search at CollegeRecon, you need to consider what you need/want at your ideal college or university. Exploring all of the different veteran and military assistance programs that schools are currently offering is important so that you can then search for schools that have those programs. Once you know which programs are non-negotiable for you & must be at the college or university you enroll in, you can begin searching with those criteria on this platform.


To fully take advantage of all that this tool has to offer, you have to quickly make a profile. This way, you can actually receive credit evaluations by attaching JST transcripts as well as connect with the representatives on campus who deal with prospective military-connected students. Helping colleges and universities get the best picture of you, your experiences, and the credit that you are coming in with will also better help them to help you.


Instead of taking the conversation to your email address and thus giving out your contact information, you can actually engage with schools through this platform. It’s a one-stop-shop. Search for schools, engage with their admissions personnel, and get a better idea of what your experience translates to in college credit.

Start Today!

Explore CollegeRecon’s School Search and see if it could be the answer to helping YOU find the right college or university that fits your needs! Let us know your thoughts and feedback on what you discovered using it.


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